How Does Penis Enlargement Work (With Research Studies Cited)

How Does Penis Enlargement Work (With Research Studies Cited)

Hello and welcome to Satyromania, the best place on the internet for penis enlargement devices & quality advice on getting bigger healthier erections. Today we’re going to explain how exactly penis enlargement works, how penis pumps & extenders work.

Penis Enlargement as a concept is looked upon as untrustworthy. There are hundreds of thousands of products out there from oils to gummy bears that claim if you do x, y or z you will get a massive schlong within four weeks. Because of these scammy products & the “apparent” lack of evidence on the subject many people say that penis enlargement is a scam. This is scientifically not true whatsoever. There have been several studies done on this subject actually of which will be cited below. Penis enlargement as a basic concept is the focus of enlarging the penis through tension and pressure. Tension in pulling on the suspensory ligament of the penis which is rooted in the pubis bone area thus pulling out the structure that is hidden within the body & and pressure that of filling the penis with more blood and in doing so creating pressure that enlarges the soft tissue structures of the penis over time. Much like other organs of the body like the stomach or the lungs they become bigger over time if certain conditions are met. If you eat large amounts of food the stomach will stretch out over time allowing you to slowly get used to eating large amounts of food. Similarly the lungs will grow bigger & actually widen the chest as seen in swimmers. 

Penis Pumps

Penis Pumps are devices that can be used to treat erectile dysfunction & add size to the penis. The mechanism that it uses to accomplish this is vacuum pressure. When a penis is inserted inside of a penis pump and the person starts using it an air-tight seal is created allowing for the pump mechanism to push out the air inside to the tube, in doing so blood is drawn inside the penis which causes the expansion of penile tissues.

     When blood is pulled into the penis with a pressure that is beyond the normal pressure that it takes to induce an erection the smooth muscle tissue of the penis starts to expand. As this happens micro-tears in the soft tissue occur and upon healing such tissues are able to accommodate more blood being pulled into the penis. 

    When using a penis pump it is important to remember Consistency, limiting use for only one hour, safe pressure levels.

      Consistency: Generally speaking people who use a penis pump will get more out of it if they use it every day. The penis is made of soft organ tissue & soft organ tissue expands with consistent use. A person should make it a personal goal to use their penis pump every day of the week for the best results.

      Limiting use for only one hour: In regards to penis enlargement it is always better for a person to limit their total active routine for only one hour. This is because as stated before the penis is made of soft tissue, prolonged enlargement routines will not provide increased results but may do the opposite as too much stress will cause shrinkage. 

      Safe pressure levels: As mentioned before too much stress on the penis will cause shrinkage but other injuries can occur as well. When pumping the goal is to have more pressure than an average erection, this experience should be a little uncomfortable but completely bearable. If outright pain occurs immediately click the safety release valve.

One of the key lessons of using a penis pump is that the right amount every day will induce growth.

Penis Extenders/ Stretchers, manual stretches 

Penis Extenders/ Stretchers and manual stretches are methods that are used to increase the length and sometimes girth of the penis. The mechanism of growth here is Traction. When using such a device constant force is applied to the penis, when using an extender the penis is put into a silicone sleeve, and generally speaking a device is attached to said sleeve to induce traction. Constant traction on the penis produces several factors that cause growth to occur. The stretching of the ligaments and structure of the penis, the micro tears that induce mitochondrial activity as well as the production of collagen & elastin in the area

    An interesting fact about the human penis is that it is rooted in the pubis area of the pelvis, half of the entire structure is within the body itself, and constant tension allows for this structure to be drawn out over long periods of time.

When using a penile traction device these are the things you should consider, numbness, amount of time spent, and tension.

Numbness: If numbness occurs at any point stop what you are doing, relieve the pressure, and un-attach the device so that blood can return to the penis, a lack of blood flowing through the penis can induce nerve damage and harm to the overall structure. Once blood is restored you can reattach the device.

Amount of time spent: Generally speaking traction devices are made to be worn for long periods of time(up to 3 hours or more), because of this they can fit comfortably under clothing. If outright pain occurs, stop using the device. The exception to this is manual stretches should not be performed for long periods of time, this is because the amount of traction you produce while using your hands is far greater than the device. It’s a good idea to use both methods in conjecture.

Tension: The amount of tension can be adjusted on most extenders with a mechanism on the device, it’s important to note that tension should never cause outright pain, it should only be enough to feel the stretch.

Well that’s all for today, we hope you’ve learned something and that you can approach this new chapter of your life with the confidence of a stud. Remember here at Satyromania we have some of the best products on the market for penis enlargement at amazing prices.

Works Cited 

Brandeis, J., Lu, S., Malik, R., & Runels, C. (2023, May 22). (130) increasing penile length and girth in healthy men using a novel protocol: The P-long study. OUP Academic. 

Boiko, M. I., Notsek, M. S., Boiko, O. M., & Chernokulskyi, I. S. (2022, March 1). Penis enlargement by penile suspensory ligament division with cross-plasty of the skin. Turkish journal of urology. 

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