Frequently Asked Questions

Who, What & Why

Here at Satyromania we manly focus on penile enhancement & enlargement products however we do have a wide selection of adult products that are simply for enjoyment. We ship to the United States, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdoms & Australia and many more. We believe that in order to live a fulfilling life confidence is key. Everyone should be able to feel confident in their own skin, to look at themselves in the mirror and be proud of what they see. Here at Satyromania we give you the tools to look and feel like a Stud. To be the best, most confidently masculine version of yourself. What are you waiting for, take control of your sex life today!

Is The Checkout Secure?

Yes our checkout is encrypted with 256-bit SSL certificate. An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates the identity of a website and encrypts information sent to the server using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. SSL certificates are built around stringent, industry-leading authentication measures.

How Long Does Shipping And Handling Take

We fulfill orders within 3 hours of receiving them. Shipping and handling takes between 6 & 12 business days. Depending on delays it may take longer.

Can I Return Items?

Yes you can return any item and receive a full discount for up to 30 days. Simply go to "contacts" in the resource section and send us an email and we'll go through step by step on how to return to product for a full refund. *NOTICE* Exceptions apply.

Is This Site Safe?

Yes absolutely, we maintain secure networks, protect cardholder data, Implement strong access control measures, regularly monitor suspicious activity, test networks and maintain an information security policy.

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Penis Pumps FAQ

Do The Water-Based Penis Pumps Have Any Affiliation With Hydromax Or Bathmate ?

No these products have no affiliation with Hydromax or Bathmate with the exception that they use similar model numbers. These products are extremely similar except for that our products are far more affordable.

How To Use A Penis Pump?

Lubricate the penis, insert the penis while erect, and work the pump until the desired pressure is achieved or the pump is sealed to the body, you should feel a slight tingle, if too much pain occurs press the quick release value.

Can Penis Pumps Be Used To Treat Erectile Dysfunction?

Yes, penis pumps are often recommended as a treatment option for erectile dysfunction (ED). They can help men achieve an erection by increasing blood flow to the penis.

Are Penis Pumps Safe?

Yes penis pumps are a relatively non invasive method of penis enlargement, it is important to remember while doing any kind of penis enlargement exercise if you feel any major discomfort or pain you immediately stop and lower the pressure. If you happen to have a blood disorder you should contact a medical professional for any further questions.

How Long Should A Session Last

We Recommend Sessions Last No More Than 20 Minutes With Sets Lasting 3-5 mins.

How Much Will I Gain From Using A Penis Pumps

Many users report gaining 1-3 inches or 3 to 8 centimeters from using penis pumps. To get the most out of your penis pump use it consistently and responsibly.

How Do I Clean & Maintain A Penis Pump?

Penis pumps should be cleaned thoroughly after each use to prevent bacterial growth and maintain hygiene. Wash the cylinder, pump mechanism, and constriction ring with warm water and mild soap or a sex toy cleaner. Allow them to air dry completely before storing them in a clean, dry place.

How Do I Choose The Right Size Penis Pump?

It's essential to choose a penis pump that fits comfortably and snugly around your penis. Most pumps come with sizing guidelines based on the diameter or circumference of the cylinder. Measure your penis when erect and choose a cylinder size that is slightly larger than your erect girth to ensure a proper fit

How Does A Penis Pump Work?

A penis pump works by creating a vacuum inside the cylinder, which draws blood into the penis, causing it to swell and become erect. The constriction ring is then placed at the base of the penis to maintain the erection.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Using A Penis Pump?

While generally safe when used correctly, some potential side effects of using a penis pump may include bruising, discomfort, or temporary discoloration of the penis. Using too much pressure or using the pump for too long can increase the risk of these side effects.

Stretching Devices FAQ

Are Stretching Devices Safe?

Yes, stretching devices and penis extenders are perfectly safe. Manual penis stretching is a practice that goes back thousands of years.

How Do Stretching Devices Work?

Penis stretching devices work by exerting a controlled and gentle traction force on the penis, which stimulates tissue growth and expansion through a process called "cellular division" or "cellular proliferation."

How Long Should I Use My Stretching Device?

The general agreement about stretching devices is that stretching devices should be worn for several hours a day for most models. Because of this the majority of stretchers can be worn comfortably under work clothes. That being said it's important to take breaks and make sure the penis has proper blood flow, if numbness occurs stop immediately and take a break.

Beginners should start with 15-30 minutes a day and slowly build up to 1-3 hours.

But What If I Don't Have The Time?

That's okay, consistent stretching for 15 minutes a day can still yield results. Consistency is key with penis enlargement and something is better than nothing.

Can Penis Stretching Devices Increase Penis Size Permanently?

Penis stretching devices have been shown to produce modest increases in penis length when used consistently and as directed. However, any gains achieved are typically gradual and may require ongoing maintenance to sustain.

Can Penis Stretching Devices Be Worn Discreetly?

Many penis stretching devices are designed to be worn discreetly under clothing, allowing users to continue their daily activities while using the device. Some devices come with adjustable straps or belts for a comfortable and secure fit.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Using A Penis Stretching Device?

While generally safe when used correctly, there are some potential risks associated with using a penis stretching device, including skin irritation, bruising, or temporary changes in sensation. It's essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions and monitor for any adverse effects.

Can Penis Stretching Devices Be Used By Everyone?

Penis stretching devices may not be suitable for everyone, particularly individuals with certain medical conditions or anatomical variations. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before using a penis stretching device, especially if you have underlying health concerns.

Cock Ring FAQ

What Is A Cock Ring?

A cock ring is a device that allows you to maintain an erection for a longer period of time while also slightly enlarging the penis and potentially delaying ejaculation.

How Do Cock Rings Work?

Cock rings work because the arteries that deliver blood to the penis are in the inner layer of the shaft while the veins that deliver blood back to the heart are more superficial. When the cock ring is applied to the base of the shaft while an erection is present it restricts the veins while not interfering with the artery.

Thus Engorging the penis, resulting in slightly larger erections and increased sexual stamina.

How Long Should I Wear A Cock Ring?

You should take your cock ring off if you are experiencing pain. Cock rings should not be worn for more than 30 minutes

Can cock rings help with erectile dysfunction?

Cock rings can potentially help men with erectile dysfunction by improving blood flow to the penis and maintaining a firmer erection. However, they should be used in conjunction with other treatments or under the guidance of a healthcare professional.