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Red Light Therapy: Internet Fad Or Misunderstood Cheat Code

Hello & welcome to Satyromania, the best place on the internet for male enhancement devices and sex toys at amazing prices, today we are going to be dissecting a popular health trend known as Red Light Therapy, what it’s marketed as, what it actually does and whether or not it can help in your journey to becoming the best version of yourself possible.

The short answer is yes, red light therapy between 650nm & 850nm has numerous benefits that have been thoroughly researched throughout the years, the rest of the article will go over who, what, and how.

Shop for a product that has 650nm & 850 nm and use it for about 15-20 minutes on the genitals for maximum benefits regarding penile health. Warning devices are prone to getting hot, it's a good idea to use for 10 minutes then stop to wait for it to cool down, then continue.

So what is red light therapy? Red light therapy is the idea of exposing yourself to different wavelengths of light, which can have different effects on the body, the technical term is photobiomodulation discovered by Niels Ryberg Finsen and Endre Mester. Niels Ryberg Finsen was born with an autoimmune disease that caused him muscle fatigue and weakness, but he noticed whenever he saw light he felt energized, he used light to treat patients with some success but died before he could complete his work. Ryberg Mester was a medical student who noticed that rats grew hair faster and recovered from wounds when exposed to laser light. In the 1990’s NASA used extremely intense red light therapy to grow potatoes in space and astronauts also noted increased healing rates of cuts on their hands. So it isn’t a scam given the fact it has observable effects that have been proven in numerous studies. Red light therapy is used for a wide range of ailments, from skin, hair, and scars to cancer side effects and psoriasis.

     Understanding the mechanism of action: Red light therapy is thought to work by stimulating enzymes in the mitochondria which leads to better cellular respiration, increased ATP, and decreased ROS(molecules that react negatively in cells)

  • Increases cell differentiation, proliferation, and migration
  • regulates gene expression of collagen fibers
  • Increases collagen synthesis
  • Improves mood by regulating serotonin levels

All these things indicate that red light therapy would be great for assisting in penile enlargement or at the very least helping you recover between workouts. However, there are some things to be concerned about. Too much red light, therapy can cause blisters, rash, and burns because of the nature of the devices to generate heat. Heat applied to the testicles over 100 degrees Fahrenheit decreases your testicle's ability to function properly in regards to testosterone production and sperm production. This problem is easily solved though by just turning the device off and waiting. It’s best to only use red light therapy for 20 minutes at a time, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Does it increase testosterone? A while ago there was an extremely popular post on a men’s health website showcasing a man who experimented with red light therapy applied to his testicles, he claimed that red light therapy enhanced his erections and helped him “blew the biggest load I could recall in recent memory. He mentions a study in which men exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods have boost in testosterones anywhere between 25%-125% then goes on to mention how in a rat study when their genital's where exposed to sunlight their testosterone levels went up 200%. He then goes on to explain that to much UV exposure is bad but red light therapy doesn't use UV rays. They then admit that their is no documented research about red light therapy applied to the genital's but his good friend Doctor Ollie exposes his junk every night so that convinced him to buy a 1000 dollar device.

     So they use data from a completely separate concept study to try and find a link between testosterones levels and light exposure, use a misleading title "I Put A Giant Red Light on My Balls to Triple My Testosterones Levels" and then openly admit that their is no research on red light and testosterone accept for an animal study, that red light therapy is not an FDA approved method of increasing testosterone. The rest of the article is anecdotal evidence about how the device makes him feel, calling his mom while naked and busting large loads on his wife. That's a rather crude way of putting it but it's true. There is no link between red light therapy & testosterone. 


“Red Light Therapy: Uses, Benefits, and Risks.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 2023,

“I Put a Giant Red Light on My Balls to Triple My Testosterone Levels.” Men’s Health, 26 Oct. 2017,

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