The Best Penis Pump Workout Based On Current Science

Hello & welcome to Satyromania, the best place on the internet for male enhancement devices and quality advice on penis enlargement. Today we are going to go over the perfect workout guide for penile pumping why exactly so many people make mistakes in their enlargement journey. But for starters let go ahead and not waste any time.

The perfect penis pump workout

1-2 minute warm-up on low pressure, attain erection before starting

break, re-attain erection

5 minute interval number 1 mid- high pressure

break re-attain erection

5 minute interval number 2 mid- high pressure 

1-2 minute warm down on low pressure, erection optional

Twice a day

If you want to add an additional 5 minute interval  it probably wouldn't hurt. 

 Okay now that you have the workout lets go over why this simplistic approach is the best based on science and a little common sense. Based on the P-long study one of the most noticeable studies in recent years focus increasing the penis size in healthy subjects during a 6 month trial they were able to increase erection length by 0.8 inches and in girth 0.47 inches. Using this training method  "twice daily, and a Dr Joel Kaplan vacuum erection device was applied with 5-10 mmHg pressure x 12 minutes (1 min x 2, 5 min x 2)"Brandeis, J., Lu, S., Malik, R., & Runels, C. (2023, May 22).

      This study is very rare in the fact that it is entirely focusing on male enhancement in a healthy population, another rarity is the fact that the average gain in a six month period is nearly one inch. Lets say you are the average man sitting at around 5.5 inches, if you take one year to consistently do this regiment you could potentially get to 7.1 inches which is a size that less than 10% of the men in the world have.

Some of you must also be thinking if it only takes that much why don't i double it and get twice the gains, you'd be thinking incorrectly.

A study done on the optimal vacuum erectile device period for penis size increase did a study on which interval pumping session yielded the best results. They found that pumping for 4-3-3 minute and 5-5 minute intervals were the most efficient methods of increasing overall penile health in rats. "VED therapy duration should not exceed 10 min" Ma , M., & Qin, F. (n.d.-b)(2021, January 8). Those who were pumped for more than 10 minutes experienced apoptosis( cell death)

Often times in are fast passed society we are led to believe that more is better in any situation. However it appears from a particle stand point of penis enlargement that more is not better. To some people that might be hard to accept given that the longer you pump the bigger your penis gets and to some this idea translates to permanent size. This is not the case in fact it's a mechanical phenomenon called edema. Penile edema is when excess fluids find themselves in the penis for whatever reason in this case pumping. This is not an indication of size gained or progress of any kind. Progress in penis pumping happens when the internal structures of the penis are engorged with blood. Some edema is okay during penis enlargement but to much will actually cause the penis to become misshapen and grotesque. Still to some the idea of seeing a huge dick on their bodies no matter how deformed it looks is psychologically stimulating. It is important to understand that excess edema can cause apoptosis and penile fibrosis which are conditions that can permanently effect the quality of your erection, what is the point of having a giant dick if it can't get hard and eventually goes away.

A good way to know if you are over training is nocturnal erection quality and morning erection quality. Morning wood is actually a indication of proper sexual health in a man. If you are using a penis pump twice a day consistently for the right amount of time your erection quality should be amazing, however if you are waking up with weak erections or not even attaining them at all this is a sign to slow down.

 Well that's it for today, we hope you learned something today, remember at Satyromania we have some of the best deals on male enhancement devices and quality advice, browse our collections and view other blogs bellow. 

Brandeis, J., Lu, S., Malik, R., & Runels, C. (2023, May 22). (130) increasing penile length and girth in healthy men using a novel protocol: The P-long study. OUP Academic.

Ma , M., & Qin, F. (2021, January 8). Optimal vacuum erectile device therapy regimen for penile ... Wiley Online Libary.

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