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How To Use A Penis Pump For Maximum Growth & Health

Hello & Welcome To Satyromania, the best place on the internet for Male Enhancement Devices & advice. Today we are going to be talking about how to properly use a penis pump. 

For clarification, we are going to be discussing how to best use a penis pump for getting a healthier, bigger penis. Going over variables such as set time, how long a set should last, and how often a person should pump and what you should expect from using it.

The reason why we feel like this is an important subject is because too many people buy penis pumps and expect to gain 1 inch in 4 weeks, or some other crazy variable that was promised to them by some influencer or website forum. And then when they don’t get the results they want they work even harder, pumping for hours & hours not realizing they are doing much more harm than good.

Too many people have walked down this road to the point that most people think penis enlargement as a whole is a scam. Well, we're here to set the record straight using scientific research and a bit of common sense.

Let’s jump right into it.

First, let’s go over set times, a pumping set should last no more than 5 minutes. To some people, this is a shocking fact because the longer you pump the larger your penis becomes. Or so you’d think. What really happens when you excessively pump is that you will overstretch the inner structures of the penis causing bruising, red dots to appear, nerve damage, and decreased erection quality due to stress. Also what contributes to the size is a medical condition called edema. Edema is when excess fluid flows into a region of the body. This excess fluid puts extra stress on the inner structures of the penis as it can cause blood vessels to leak. While some edema is natural and completely acceptable, too much edema can make your penis look more like a tumor than genitals. Limiting set times to five minutes is the safest way to minimize the chance of injury and promote healthy erectile function and growth.

How many sets should you do? Sets should be limited between 2-4 sets with a 1-2 minute warm-up set preceding these per session with the idea that two sessions happen a day for a total of 4-8 sets per day, once in the morning and once in the evening. The reason why this is the case is similar to the reasons why set times shouldn’t last more than 5 minutes, the chance of injury. The longer your penis is exposed to negative pressure without normal blood flow the higher the risk of injury. Also, the frequency of the workouts allows the penis to grow slowly over time. Much like the lungs or stomach the penis grows due to frequency. For example, swimmers' lungs are on average larger than everyone else's simply because they take in air at a forced rate almost every day. While penis enlargement is slightly different from those structures the principle still applies. Consistent use of a penis pump at safe levels of pressure that is higher than what a normal erection can achieve will cause the penis to grow over time.

     And finally, let’s go over how much pressure you should use. According to a study done using a rat-based model the best pressure to use for increasing penile health as well as gaining size is between 200 mm-hg to 300 mm-hg. Rats that were put under this pressure recovered from their induced penile injury much faster under this pressure. However, rats exposed to 300-500 mm-hg were susceptible to increased injury rates and lower recovery speeds. Some of you may be thinking that this cannot be applied to the average person let alone a human, but you’d be wrong. The average human erection pressure level is around 100-125 mm-hg so 200-300 mm-hg should definitely be enough to cause growth. However, we understand that most penis pumps do not have a pressure gauge so this factor cannot be as accurately tracked. However here at Satyromania, we have come up with a check list of factors to ensure pumping to safe pressure levels. 

  • Pumping should never be painful or extremely uncomfortable
  • Your testicles at no point should never be sucked in due to intense amounts of pressure
  • Your spermatic cord shouldn’t be put under any duress
  • The base of your pelvis shouldn’t hurt at all

The only thing you should experience while pumping is very slight momentary discomfort that disappears after a few seconds, nothing more. Remember your penis isn’t a skeletal muscle and cannot be trained as such. It’s a delicate organ that can be easily hurt if put under too much pressure.

Now let's talk about what you should expect from a penis pump consistently. Penis pumps will increase your sexual stamina and erection quality noticeable within a few weeks of using. Because the pump increases healthy blood flow to the penis. However what most people are looking forward to is the permanent increase in size. It's important to understand that anything worth doing or worth investing in is going to take some time. A rough estimate of what you can expect after using a penis pump for 1 year is about 0.8 inches increase in length and about 0.4 inches increase in girth. Now we know that sounds bad but think about it this way. The average penis is around 5.5 inches in length & 4.59 inches in girth, doing this for a year will cause an increase in growth of about 22%. Resulting in 6.3 inches in length and about 5 inches in girth. Rome wasn't built in one day and neither will your dream schlong be. Now their are multiple things you can do to speed up this process like taking vasodilating supplements & working out but it's important to be patient with yourself and trust the process.

Well that’s all for today. Remember all of the points made here today are backed up by real science, the studies used are available for all to see. if you liked this content tell us and remember Satyromania has the best selection of enlargement devices for half the price of big brand pumps. Shop Satyromania today!

Works Cited

Brandeis, J, et al. “(229) a Pilot Study of a Novel PRP Protocol to Increase Penile Length, Girth, and Function.” OUP Academic, Oxford University Press, 5 Feb. 2024,

Yang, X.-L., Yang, Y., Fu, F.-D., Wu, C.-J., Qin, F., & Yuan, J.-H. (2019). Optimal pressure in penile rehabilitation with a vacuum erection device: Evidence based on a rat model. Asian journal of andrology.

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